Wednesday 8 May 2013

About Me

My name is Javier. A former journalism and film student, I’m currently earning my keep as an English teacher in Spain. Despite being born in Spain, and loving this country with every bit of my soul, I’ve been very lucky to experience the life of a globe-trotting expat more or less continuously since I was born, which among other effects has meant that I’m fully bilingual in both English and Spanish, and have lived and studied in a variety of different countries around the world.

I actually started this blog years ago, back in 2009, when I was studying journalism in the University of Stirling, in Scotland. Check out my first post for the reasons why I did absolutely nothing with this site all those years ago.

I have a number of different hobbies, not just reading, writing, and watching films. I also do Historical Re-enactment and Historical Fencing, which I discuss in my other blog. I’m also an avid fan of tabletop games and have occasionally tried my hand at musical instruments, mainly the piano and the flute. I also love sailing, especially in the Mediterranean, but unlike my father I wouldn’t be able to handle a paper boat in a bathtub.
This blog is mainly to express my thoughts and discussions on films, tv shows, music, books, videogames, and anything else that interests me, and which will hopefully interest you as well.

If you’re interested in checking out more of my stuff, why not check out my livejournal account, where I post my short stories?
If you’re interested in knowing more about Historical Re-enactment and Historical Fencing, check out my other blog.

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